The candidates you choose for managerial positions can make or break a company. They are the ones responsible for motivating employees, reaching targets, and succeeding in today's fast-paced business world. This assessment will identify candidates who possess leadership qualities necessary for managing employees, making managerial decisions quickly and ethically, motivating and encouraging employees, focusing on productivity, and working hard. Moreover, this test can help you identify if candidates are mentally able to learn quickly, handle, and process a lot of information at a time, and make difficult decisions quickly.
NOTE: This is a longer and more expensive test version of the Managerial Personal Style Assessment I Test. It includes a section for completing open-ended sentences.
This untimed test battery consists of three sections - 177-question untimed personality inventory, 44-item mental ability tests (divided into verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning), and 46 open-ended statements to which the candidate must type in short narrative answers. The whole assessment takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
Managerial Personal Style II Assessment Report will give you a graphic display of scores of covered areas necessary for managerial roles, aptitude results, and their explanation, strengths and developmental concerns of the candidate, the narrative responses given to the open-ended statements, and suggested interview questions.