Are you currently finishing school and wondering how will you handle certain aspects of jobs that are ahead of you? Do you want to know more about your personality and how it could lead you to success in your future profession? The Youth Work Readiness Personality Assessment has been developed specifically for young people about to enter the job market so that they can get more insight into how personality affects job performance and professional success. The report is also full of individualized tips and insights on how jobs and job market actually work, what aspects of their personality will be helpful in being successful, where there might be some concerns and what to do in order to minimize those concerns.
Understanding their own personality and how it relates to the workplace requirements will give young people the arsenal that will set them up for success in basically any profession they choose as they will understand what positions suit their personality best and where they would be thriving and happy.
The online assessment has 80 personality questions, is untimed, and usually takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
This thorough report is completely personalized and on 10+ pages provides scores in nine personality dimensions, suggestions for personal development, and countless insights and tips relating to their individual personality in six topics: