Youth Work Readiness Personality Test

Price: $9.95

The Youth Work Readiness Report is designed to help young people gain insights about how their personality impacts success on the job. The school system arms young people with knowledge and skill to prepare them for life - but that is only half of the story. Employers know that the social aspects of work are just as important as what is learned in school. The more that we can help young people understand requirements for optimal job performance in the workplace, they will have more success experiences and build a better track record in their first few jobs. Plus, the more young people act in a mature and appropriate manner on the job, the happier employers will be.

This report will help test takers gain many insights about the challenges ahead. The more a test taker understands about themselves in relation to the workplace, the more they can adapt appropriately and put themselves on a path for success.

About the Test: This untimed personality test, designed specifically to evaluate youth work readiness, has 80 questions and takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

What the Report Gives You: This 10+ page report has been customized to the test taker's unique personality. It provides many insights on the six different topics shown below. At the end of the report, scores on nine personality dimensions along with suggestions for personal development are provided.

  • Starting off on the Right Foot
  • Fitting in with Co-Workers
  • Dealing with Customers
  • Earning Respect from your Boss
  • Balancing Work vs. Leisure
  • Getting Ahead in your Career
  • Your Scores Profile

Last Updated on April 14, 2024