When looking for a new purchasing manager, you want someone who is driven, assertive, and will do anything to keep the costs as low as possible. With our pre-employment Purchasing Manager Personality Assessment, you can find just the right candidate with leadership qualities needed to effectively delegate tasks, motivate and lead employees, and stay calm but fierce in any situation that might arise. The test also determines whether candidates are mentally capable of handling the demanding day-to-day managerial tasks and responsibilities.
The assessment is untimed and takes usually approximately 2 hours to complete. It consists of three sections - a 176-question online personality test, a 44-item general mental ability test (divided into verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning parts), and 46 open-ended statements to which the candidate must type in short narrative responses.
The Purchasing Manager Assessment Report will give you a graphic display of scores in related areas, aptitude results and their explanation, candidate's strengths and developmental concerns, narrative responses given to the open-ended statements with instructions on how to approach them, and suggested interview questions.