Insurance Customer Service Representative Personality Test

Price: $35

The Insurance Customer Service Test test identifies insurance customer service rep candidates with the skills to do the job right. It tests the ability to learn quickly and handle complex job tasks. It also finds out if the person will enjoy dealing with customers. Insurance CSR's need to be pleasant, positive, helpful, and eager to please, yet also have the strength to make difficult decisions about claims.

This test also targets candidates who are: Responsible, reliable, trustworthy, ethical, and work hard. It will also help you evaluate the candidate's sales potential.

About the Test: This untimed test takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. The test battery has two parts:

  • 121-question untimed personality inventory &
  • 44-item test of mental ability (about equal number of items for verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning).

What the Report Gives You: A graphical display of scores of areas covered, explanation of aptitude results, list of strengths and developmental concerns, and suggested interview questions.

Last Updated on April 17, 2024