The human resources department is essential for any business as it ensures that all roles are filled in with qualified and capable people who are happy with their position in the company. Hiring a new HR specialist is therefore the key to a well-functioning and successful firm. Our Human Resources Specialist Personality Test has been designed specifically for the recruitment of HR candidates in medium-to-large companies and will help you find a communicative and confident person who will get along with people from all backgrounds. The aptitude section of the assessment examines whether your candidates are capable of handling a lot of different projects and responsibilities at the same time to ensure that the department runs smoothly.
The assessment is untimed and usually takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete. It consists of three sections – a 140-question personality test, a 44-item mental ability test (questions focused on verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning), and 46 open-ended sentences to which candidates provide a narrative response.
The assessment report will provide you with a graphic representation of scores in covered areas, a candidate’s strengths and developmental concerns, narrative responses provided by the candidate and instructions on how to approach them, and suggestions for interview questions.